How Thundersnow Industries Leveraged Digital Thread technology to Overcome Design Challenges

Written By: Modelcam technologies

Date:- 25 March 2024

digital thread technology


Keeping pace in the dynamic manufacturing sector necessitates a steadfast commitment to innovation. Thundersnow Industries, a top-tier snowmobile manufacturer, encountered a significant design obstacle with their latest innovation, the Snownado snowmobile. However, with the help of cutting-edge Digital Thread technology, they not only addressed the issue but also turned it into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Uncovering the Challenge

Thundersnow's Snownado snowmobile, equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, promised enhanced performance and reliability. However, the real-time data collected from these sensors revealed an unexpected trend: an alarming rate of spindle failures. This posed a significant threat to the brand's reputation and demanded immediate attention.

Breaking Down Silos

Historically, Thundersnow struggled with siloed teams, hindering efficient problem-solving. However, the adoption of PTC digital thread software revolutionized their approach. The Digital Thread seamlessly integrated data from engineering, manufacturing, and service departments, fostering cross-functional collaboration like never before.

Harnessing the Power of Digital Thread

The implementation of the Digital Thread enabled Thundersnow to establish a closed loop between physical and digital components of the Snownado's cycle. This invaluable connection facilitated the swift identification of the root cause behind the spindle failures: extreme riding conditions. Armed with this knowledge, Thundersnow embarked on a comprehensive redesign process.

Facilitating Cross-Functional Collaboration

One of the most significant advantages of the Digital Thread was its ability to break down traditional silos and facilitate collaboration across departments. Critical information flowed seamlessly between teams, empowering them to make informed decisions and drive the redesign process forward with unprecedented efficiency.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Through the power of Digital Thread technology, Thundersnow not only addressed the spindle issue but also discovered a new market segment of extreme riders. By leveraging real-time data and fostering collaboration, they transformed a critical challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation.


The case study of Thundersnow Industries and the Snownado snowmobile exemplifies the transformative potential of Digital Thread technology in the manufacturing sector. By embracing innovation and breaking down silos, Thundersnow not only overcame a significant design challenge but also paved the way for future success and expansion.

For businesses looking to harness the power of Digital Thread technology, consulting with experts like Modelcam can provide invaluable guidance and support. We can help you implement digital twin models for your business. Together, we can revolutionize your approach to manufacturing and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation

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